Prohibit the importation, distribution, marketing and advertising or promotion of any kind of electronic cigarette throughout the national territory. They are also promoted as healthy alternatives for smoking cessation. You can read real Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes from It is consequent pleasure sensation similar to that produced by ordinary cigarette. Regarding the safety of electronic cigarettes during pregnancy and lactation, the situation is the same. A priori it seems common sense to think that electronic cigarettes harm the fetus less than normal to contain a much smaller amount of toxic substances snuff. But in the absence of data on safety during pregnancy and lactation, from the medical point of view and public health, we still cannot advise its use in this situation. Smoking or snuff vaping electronic cigarettes, and if you need something to pass the withdrawal, chewing gum or nicotine tablets are a safe alternative, including nicotine patches (provided prescription and medical) control.
The manufacturers claim that these cigarettes are less harmful than conventional but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States asserts that contain ingredients that cause cancer (such as nitrosamines) and other toxic chemicals hazardous to health, such as ethylene used as antifreeze for cars. Furthermore, the nicotine is directly involved in the development of lung cancer through stimulating receptors in non-neuronal cells which promotes the proliferation of tumor cells helping cancer spread. In a July 2009, the FDA admitted that, to date, no one knows exactly what concentration of inhaled nicotine and other toxic people who smoke electronic cigarettes and there are no health of smokers and nonsmokers exposed, so discourage their use. The electronic cigarette could be considered as a substitute for nicotine cessation of snuff therapies due to their greater acceptance by smokers and can mean a smoother way in the transition to a definitive end. Further studies comparing placebo with existing therapies to assess their effectiveness and recommend its use are needed. Current studies show low but greater effectiveness than placebo, 17 to 11%, 13-9% at 3 and 12 months depending on the dose vs. 4.4% placebo cigarette, although there have been small samples that prevent its final validation and not researchers declare conflicts , which markets the drug.